Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hurray it is almost complete!

Well after many months of construction, the basement is almost done. Check out some the pics on the slide show. No pics yet of the bedrooms as they are not organized and full of crap still. My office is in the process of being organized....heading to ikea for storage this weekend!!! A very warm cozy space I am sure we will make good use of.
Will update with a few more pics as they are complete. Part of it looks like a bowling alley right now, but I am sure it will fill up with furniture and toys soon. I am just enjoying no sawdust or power tools to trip over for now!

And now that I have an office and my computer back I can upload photos and will be keeping my Blog more current again.

1 comment:

Tanya said...


Glad you're back in your space again... Can't wait to see what you will make.