Friday, October 19, 2007

Busy week

Another busy week has gone by. I had an awesome time at my conference in Calgary Monday and Tuesday. Anthony Robbins is so motivating. And it was kind of cool to see Sir Richard Branson as well, he has done so many amazing things in his life. We also heard the author of the "Chicken Soup" books speak....very inspirational. Plus 4 other great speakers. Lots of leadership and personal power info, just makes you feel thankfull for what we have and tells us to use it and stop complaining!

This weekend will be spent trying to clear out the basement. We are hoping to get a start on construction late next week, Yay! Not looking forward to the dust and stuff, but will be so worth it when it is done. The guy that will be doing most of it hopes to be done in 4 - 6 weeks.

Work is going great, I have 3 installers from Montreal that started working for us this week and they are AWESOME! Very fast, professional.....and don't appear to require drugs or alcohol to function. They seem to like it here and the 2 younger ones hope to move their families out in the summer. They have done about 2 weeks of installations in the past 4 days, so I am scrambling to get product and materials in so they can keep working.
Just a couple goofy shots of the girls this week. As you can see Cassidy still falls asleep very quickly once the mouth and body both stay still for a few seconds...this just doesn't happen often. And Jordyn was sitting on her head for some reason. Oh, and the girls got their first "problem" call from the school today. Apparently Jordyn kicked some boy at the bus stop (he kicked first!) and today the same boy threatened to beat up Cassidy for standing first in line for the bus....he is getting expelled from the bus for a few days because of it. And the drama begins. ( I think Daddy will have to make an appearance in uniform at the bus stop next week)

1 comment:

Tanya said...


That a kicker of a shot of cassidy!