Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall Stuff

Here is what we've been up to the past few weeks. Work and school, we have all been busy. But have managed a few days out and about to get away. Had an awesome day in Jasper a few weeks ago and enjoyed one of the last hot days in the mountains. We are loving being closer to the mountains. We bought a new (used but new to us) Avalanche and plan to do lots of camping in the mountains next summer in our trailer.

We are also very excited that we no longer have a gravel driveway. We finally got concrete after having it ready for more than 6 weeks. The concrete plant had it boiler break down and there is also an extreme shortage of concrete available for the whole sign of construction slowing down in Alberta.

Speaking of construction, I went out with our new tile installer this week and learned how to lay floor tile. Loved it! Anything that you can get all messy and dirty works for me. It was hilarious because all the contractors kept stopping in to "look at the tile" but we both knew they just had to actually see "girls" doing the tiling!

And look ... an actual picture of me! Jordyn took it.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Hey darlin! You figured it out. Funny how we're always posting at opposite times - you late at night, me early in the morn. I'm adding you as a favorite - if I can ever figure out how to do that.